BeretkAh…! cooperation with BETREMANT PARIS during COUTURE FASHION WEEK 2023 supported by THE FINEST EMIRATES MAGAZINE

During one of the most awaited fashion weeks in the world - the Couture Fashion week BeretkAh…! got invited to be a partner at the new luxury product launch event in Paris. The luxury handbag brand BETREMANT was created only a few years ago but it has already left a significant mark in this part of the fashion scene - hand bags. 

It is not only just another luxury bag with a big logo on it that anyone from a student  to a dutchess can wish to own - these bags are pure creations of art and only for those who can appreciate it and dare owning such masterpieces.

Made from the highest quality leather, precious stones and metals using the expertise of the gifted engineers - these bags create an affection and leave an unforgettable visual mark in your memory.


It was a great pleasure to present BeretkAh…! most luxurious headpieces - a geometrical Gatsby inspired cap and also Swarovski encrusted gold birdcage together with BETREMANT at the launch of a new issue of the FINEST EMIRATES MAGAZINE. 

Models were dressed in elegant dresses by AESHAH NAWABI and were perfect examples of what BeretkAh..! and BETREMANT see as their ideal inspirational feminine enchantments.


Special guests who were invited to see the original sketching process for the next design which is to be made as a bespoke commission were mesmerized by this. 


Chriz Bauer - Germany’s finest chef was invited to treat the gusts with his special gastronomical creations. The food was served by Chris personally and brought a wave of admiration by the Parisians with compliments to the chef. 

His unique formulas for macaroons and BETREMANT print inspired chocolate was a hit at this exclusive event.


The guests were also presented with special limited edition cosmetic gifts by the sponsor  - an LA based beauty company RETROUVE.


The event was organized  by TOPAS INTERNATIONAL GROUP