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How to order a bespoke headpiece by "BeretkAh ...!"

Despite the fact that designer of the brand "BeretkAh ...!" Tatiana Ashakova tends to produce several collections a year, taking into account current trends, she also creates custom-made products. Thanks to many years of experience, this process is already well established. In this article we will tell you in detail about the process of creating an individual product.

Stage of choosing the right style and checking customer’s wishes


If a client can show a product from some of the  existing "BeretkAh ...!" collections, which needs to be adapted according to her wishes, no deep preliminary work is required. If we are talking about creating a headdress from scratch, Tatiana invites clients to adhere to a certain work algorithm, which helps to facilitate the process of cooperation. First of all, the designer asks her clients to familiarize themselves with the site of  "BeretkAh...!" brand, so that the potential customer would appreciate the brand's style and be sure that it meets their expectations and technical tasks. If the style of the brand suits the client, then together with the designer they determine the overall concept of the product. Tatiana always asks to clarify whether the accessory is being made for a specific outfit or event. At social events, be it a horse race or a dinner party, there is often a certain dress code that should be taken into account. At the races in Ascot, even the size of the headgear matters.


Technical side of the cooperation and financial questions


Before starting her work, Tatiana sends her customer a questionnaire, which contains some clarifications.  For example, how a headpiece should be attached - on a comb or a headband for example. When a designer does not have a foothold in terms of style, it is especially important to find the client's comfort zone. From the moment when all the above details, including the budget, have been agreed, Tatiana makes an estimate and asks to send a deposit of 50% of the cost of the product in order to start preparing a sketch. Sometimes she offers several options in different price categories, depending on the material, the complexity of the work and the client's requests.


Stage of creating a “live” sketch and further cooperation with a client  


A customer receives a "live" sketch, which shows all the materials. Tatiana confesses that she doesn’t tend to appreciate paper sketches because she feels like “a headpiece has already been embodied in such a way and doesn’t challenge her designing skills as much”. After the sketch has been approved by a client, Tatiana starts working. If the work is carried out remotely, as soon as the product is ready or when Tatiana needs her customers feedback on the process,  she would send images and videos to a customer.  In this case a customer has a chance to suggest edits. Typically a designer accepts no more than two edits. All subsequent ones are charged separately depending on the time spent on them.



Time scale


The creation process depends on a few key factors: how challenging or complicated a design is and the availability of all the needed materials. Many supplies that Tatiana uses come from different parts of the world, some can be created by her creative team members from far away locations (for example her hand made flowers come from the very Siberia!). Taking into consideration these factors Tatiana has to plan extra time for production. She plans around 1 month for a bespoke order. For those orders based on existing designs one has to plan with up to 3 weeks in busy months of summer and up to 2 weeks in calm months (November,February, January and sometimes March). However typically if all supplies are at hand, manufacturing processes can be as short as a few days!

So if you are looking for a bespoke headpiece,  which will match perfectly your style or outfit then this way of cooperation should meet your expectations pretty well.