Last August, Tatiana, the imaginative mind behind the Insectorum collection, fearlessly submitted her groundbreaking design to a prestigious hat competition organized by the esteemed Japanese global knife manufacturer, Kai Corporation. This competition, known as the "KAI Hat & Head-piece Competition 2023," stands out as a beacon for designers globally. As a headpiece designer, Tatiana's journey in this competition became a testament to the intersection of cultural diversity, artistic expression, and craftsmanship.
10 December, 2023
BeretkAh…! Took an Excellence Awards in a hat contest in Japan
Last August, Tatiana, the imaginative mind behind the Insectorum collection, fearlessly submitted her groundbreaking design to a prestigious hat competition organized by the esteemed Japanese global knife manufacturer, Kai Corporation. This competition, known as the "KAI Hat & Head-piece Competition 2023," stands out as a beacon for designers globally. As a headpiece designer, Tatiana's journey in this competition became a testament to the intersection of cultural diversity, artistic expression, and craftsmanship.